... Basic

Free Trial
$9.00 /mo.

Includes 25 monthly vū.ai tokens, SceneForge Lite, 25GB of Personal Storage, and 3rd party integrations (Shutterstock).

... Advanced

Free Trial
$39.00 /mo.

Includes 150 monthly vū.ai tokens, SceneForge Studio, 100GB of Personal Storage, and 3rd party integrations (Shutterstock & Frame.io).

... Pro

$359.00 /mo.

Includes media server functionality to drive media on your display, as well as 1,000 monthly vū.ai tokens, 5 SceneForge Studio Seats, 1TB of Storage, and 3rd party integrations (Shutterstock & Frame.io).

... Vū Virtual Art Services

From conceptual art to motion graphics, digital twins, and custom branded assets, our skilled team leverages the latest technology to bring your vision to life. Whether crafting immersive environments, dynamic animations, or precise digital replicas, we ensure a seamless blend of creativity and technical excellence. With a collaborative approach, we tailor every detail to surpass your expectations. Unleash your imagination and explore new dimensions of creativity with Vū custom VAD services.

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