SceneForge Lite
SceneForge Lite provides the most basic previsualization features of SceneForge Studio for indie filmmakers and hobbyists. It allows users to create simple 3D scenes and storyboards to visualize film concepts, with intuitive controls and essential features.
Available With
Membership Required.
Basic (Yearly)
Includes 25 monthly vū.ai tokens, SceneForge Lite, 25GB of Personal Storage, and 3rd party integrations (Shutterstock).
Includes 25 monthly vū.ai tokens, SceneForge Lite, 25GB of Personal Storage, and 3rd party integrations (Shutterstock).
All-In-One Virtual Production and Pre-Vis
An easy, fast, and affordable platform for creating cinematic, immersive experiences Powered by Real-Time Technology.Additional Information
SKU: 46330-Lite
Category(s): Applications
Product ID: 9043
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